24 dic 2009

Whittemore's Science and Practice of Pig Production/ENG

Voluntary Food Intake and Diet/ENG

Veterinary Practice Management/ENG

Veterinary Medicines in the Environment/ENG

Tropical Dairy Farming/ENG

Tilapia Roja 2006/ENG

Tilapia Culture/ENG

The World of Rhabdoviruses/ENG

The Economics of Animal Health and Production/ENG

The Anatomical Atlas of Gallus/ENG

Suspensory ligament injuries in horses/ENG

Small-Scale Poultry Production/ENG

Small Animal Orthopedics and Fracture Repair/ENG

Small Animal Clinical Pharmacology/ENG

Skin Diseases in the Dog an Cat/ENG

Renal Diseases in Dogs and Cats/ENG

Raptor biomedice/ENG

Rapid Interpretation of Heart and Lung Sounds A Guide to Cardiac and Respiratory Auscultation in Dogs and Cats/ENG

Rabbit Biotechnology/ENG

Principles of Toxicology Testing/ENG

Practical necropsy guide/ENG

Poultry Products Processing An Industry Guide/ENG


Oftamologia veterinaria/POR

Nutrient Elements in Grassland/ENG

Manual Procedimientos Fiebre Aftosa/ESP

Manual de buenas prácticas apicola para la produccion de miel/ESP

Manual apicola para pequeños productores/ESP

Laboratory Production of Cattle Embryos/ENG

Keeping Lambs Alive/ENG

Integrative Wildlife Nutrition/ENG

Handbook of Veterinary Ocular Emergencies/ENG

Handbook of veterinary neurology/ENG

Handbook of Venoms and Toxins of Reptiles/ENG

Haematology of Australian Mammals/ENG

Gastric Ulceration in Horses The role of bacteria and lactic acid

Essentials of Western Veterinary Acupuncture/ENG

Equine Massage A Practical Guide/ENG

Enfermedades de las abejas/ESP

Emergency Procedures for the Small Animal Veterinarian/ENG

Digestive Disease in the Dog and Cat/ENG

Diagnostic ultrasound in small animal/ENG

Clinical veterinary toxicology/ENG

Bovine Laminitis and Lameness/ENG

Avian Invasions/ENG

Atlas of Orthopedic Surgical Procedures of the Dog and Cat/ENG

Atlas Citologia Histologia Veterinaria II/POR

Atlas Citologia y Histologia Veterinaria I/POR

Atlas de anatomia del perroy del gato II/ESP

Anatomy of the dog/ENG